Kneeling for my before-church prayers I found myself saying this today. I don't know where it came from but I think I know where it goes...
Lord, bless those whom I love and those who love me.
Bless those whom I like and those who like me.
Bless those whom I dislike and those who dislike me.
Bless those whom I hate and those who hate me.
Bless those whom I know and those who know me.
Bless those who share with me my joys and sorrows and those whose joys and sorrows I share.
Bless those from whom I learn and those who perhaps I can teach a little.
Bless those who have gone before me and those who will come after me.
Bless those with whom I share this earth and this time.
The rest of creation, Lord, is in your hands.
Not very profound, or even particularly pious, but it's stuck with me today for some reason.
I like this prayer - it is profound.