He sat down opposite the treasury, and watched the crowd putting
money into the treasury. Many rich people put in large sums. A poor widow
came and put in two small copper coins, which are worth a penny. Then he
called his disciples and said to them, 'Truly I tell you, this poor widow has
put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury. For all
of them have contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has
put in everything she had, all she had to live on.' -- Mark
Once upon a time, there was an old couple who lived in a small
cottage in a small town. They were not rich, did not have a lot of possessions,
and did n0t seem to require a lot of goods they could not purchase for
themselves or perhaps trade with neighbors for what they needed. They were
content, and for them, they had enough.
One day, though, all that came crashing down, it seemed. The old
man died, leaving his widow to think of the life that now seemed impossible to
sustain. How could she manage without him? She did not feel she could maintain
the garden full of vegetables they used for their meals and traded for other
goods they did not grow. Without the income from the humble farm stand by the
village street, how could she pay the taxes and upkeep the small cottage needed
from time to time? How could she contribute their usual sum to the church whose
income depended on those who lived lives similar to the old couple?
She went to the local church and sat in the spot where she and
her spouse had sat for years. She sat alone, missing her spouse but still in a
familiar place. She had a small amount of money in her purse for the offering.
It was not as much as they used to contribute, but it was all she had. When the
sidesman came around with the alms basin, she slipped her contribution in,
hoping that no one would notice the slight clink of coins she put in. She asked
God to accept it, as small as it was.
Like the widow in the Gospel story, this widow had contributed
all she could, knowing that others would make much larger offerings. In the
Gospel, Jesus noted her gift's size, noting to his disciples that although it was
a pittance, it was still a gift from the heart. The part of the offering was
more important than the size, and it was the difference between giving part of
a more significant amount and giving all she had.
Even though the tithing season is past and church budgets have
probably been set and approved, maybe I can look at the Gospel story differently.
The main character is a woman, a widow with no man to protect and provide for
her. When she came to the synagogue or temple to give her offering, she might
have been the only woman in a crowd of men. She could have stayed at home, but she
chose to do her duty and give what she could to God.
In a tradition that preached and encouraged practicing care for
the less fortunate, it could be that every other person in the town or village
would think it was someone else's responsibility. Jesus called the disciples to
remember the gift. Still, I wish he had given us a little more about how the
story was received and what difference it made in those who heard his teaching.
I want to think that the story of our first widow ended with
people noticing her struggle and gathering around to comfort and support her.
They would drop off "extra" casseroles or soups for her nourishment, occasionally
help in the garden in exchange for some produce, or even run errands for her.
They would keep an eye on her and sometimes drop in for tea or coffee. The
church would help with spiritual support, noticing if she missed church and
calling on her to see how she was doing. In short, she would be cared for by a
community of people who, consciously or not, did what Jesus taught about loving
their neighbor and helping those in need.
Widows and orphans and all sorts of people with needs surround us.
The man on the street corner with a sign stating he needed money might be a
scammer. Still, he also might be a man who was down on his luck and needed a
sandwich, a cup of coffee, or a bottle of water. We are surrounded by developments
with houses that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. However, we can still
run into someone begging on the side of the road with all their possessions piled
in a pilfered grocery cart. Those are just the ones we see; there are dozens more
we do not see.
Before we say that it is someone else's responsibility or that we
do not want to have to pay for someone too lazy to work, perhaps we should
remember that Jesus said that we should care for all who suffer from misfortunes
of various kinds. Even those who try to hide their troubles may sometimes need
a shoulder to lean on, a hug, or a listening ear. Those do not cost a cent, but
they can mean the world to someone who really needs it.
published on Episcopal Café as part of Episcopal Journal, Saturday, February 18 2023.