Sing to the Lord a new song;
sing to the Lord, all the whole earth.
Sing to the Lord and bless his Name;
proclaim the good news of his salvation from day
to day. – Psalm 96:1-2
Tonight is New Year’s Eve, a night of parties, loud booming
music, dogs howling, horns blowing, and fireworks. For me and those like me, a regular
bedtime may be possible, but certainly not guaranteed to sleep once midnight
strikes. Noises increase, and fireworks pop, crackle, and boom for at least an
hour and often several hours. It is bad enough for those with anxious pets for
whom the noise is frightening. Yet I think about the strays without homes and
even some who stray away from home, terrified by the noise and lack of places
to escape it.
Tonight, I doubt many will do what the psalmist suggests: singing
a new song and blessing God’s name. New Year’s Eve celebrates the end of a year
and the beginning of a new one. It has been done for millennia, not necessarily
at the end of December and the beginning of January. Ancient Romans celebrated
the new year by marking the day Rome was founded in 702, but the day was in
March (by our calendar). Jews traditionally celebrate the new year beginning
with Rosh Hashana, which, in 2023, will start at sunset on September 15 and end
at sunset on September 17. Rosh Hashana is not explicitly named in the Bible,
but a reference to its observance is found in Leviticus
23:23-25. Other religions and cultures celebrate at various times, usually
in spring, for the arrival of new life.
We usually mark New Year’s by at least thinking about starting
over fresh, putting away old things and habits, and starting anew. Everyone
jokes about making resolutions and even more about how long a person can keep a
resolution they have made. The most common are living healthier, exercising
more, and losing weight. Some want to stop smoking or drinking alcohol. In
contrast, others want to be kinder to others, give more time or money to
charity, or even spend more time with their families. People of faith often
resolve to pray more, attend church more, or try to live by Jesus’s teachings
or God’s rules more than they do now. In a sense, those resolutions are the new
song we sing to God as we promise to change or do something better.
The important thing is to take any promises or resolutions
seriously. While losing weight or reading the Bible more may not have the
intent of a monk or nun taking life-long vows of poverty, chastity, or obedience,
we aren’t all called to make those changes. Most of us live in a world where
temptations come constantly. We also live where to fail is to feel or
experience shame and often to be considered a loser. Success means so much in
our world, probably too much. According to his culture, Jesus might not have
been considered a success like Caesar or the equivalent of the CEO of a
multimillion-dollar corporation.
For some, taking a single step is a sign of success, especially for
someone who has been unable to walk for some time, if ever. Jesus helped those
who were shamed or considered failures to live new, healthier, happier lives
simply by speaking a few words or perhaps a single touch. Did those whose lives
were changed merely shrug off the changes that had happened and return to their
former lives? Probably not. They recognized the depth of change and the cost of
it. They owed Jesus, and the only way they could repay him was to spread the
news of his gift and teachings. They could encourage others to go and listen
and, hopefully, be changed.
Those whom Jesus touched learned to sing a new song, and they
continued to sing it to all who would hear it. For them, the day they heard
Jesus or a messenger with his words was a new year.
This year, I need to forget frivolous resolutions and make a solemn
promise to sing a new song to God whether or not I say a word. My actions need
to be part of my song and my life, and I mean it.
Happy New Year. Sing a new song!